April 3rd, 2020.
Arts and activities
by Carla Galego, Eduardo Saragoza and Luan Guerreiro

On the 9th of March, we had an event to welcome the freshmen students; it took place at the José Berton auditorium during the first classes. The event, that is common in our graduation, happens every year to promote interaction among the new students and the veterans. The activities and dynamics were created by the students from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years. The 3rd year started with a mime activity: the freshmen had to face shyness and show all of their interpretation skills to be able to transmit the name of an animal and an action, through a draw. The 2nd year developed a dynamic in pairs, in which the students had to get to know each other and then present the person to the whole group, who, in a relaxed and light way, could get to know a little of each one. Last but not least, the 4th year made everyone play a “Find someone who” game, so the students could get to know their seniors. The room was divided in half and both sides competed to find out who’s who through questions like “Find someone who plays the saxophone.” But the highlight of the night was the surprise everyone had with some students from the 1st year who demonstrated their musical gifts, like a presentation of the song “Hurt”, by Johnny Cash, made by Eduardo and Jean; and, leading it all to a perfect end, with no rehearsal, something that surprised everyone: “Shallow”, originally from Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, was played by Julia and Alex, taking everyone’s breath away.