November 18th, 2021.
ENEM 2021
by Natalia Del Bianco

Hi, guys, how are you? In today's edition, we'll talk about the Exame Nacional Do Ensino Médio, known as ENEM.
ENEM began in 1998, with the objective of evaluating the academic performance of students at the end of basic education. In 2009, the test started to be used as a way to access higher education. Since last year (2020), it is possible to choose between doing the printed exam or the Digital ENEM, which uses computers to apply tests.
ENEM grades can be used in the following programs: SISU, for access to public universities; PROUNI, for private universities with scholarships of up to 100%; and in FIES, a student financing program.
The exam contains four objective tests with 45 questions each, and an Essay in Portuguese.
The ENEM is carried out in two days, being the first day (this year, November 21st) of application of Language, code and technology tests; Essay; and Human sciences and their Technologies. The duration is of five and a half hours. On the second day (November 28th), with five hours of duration, the tests of Natural sciences and its technologies and Mathematics and its technologies will be applied.
On November 19th and 26th, Unespar, in partnership with the Núcleo Regional de Educação (NRE), will promote an Online Review Class for ENEM. The transmission will take place on the Unespar Apucarana Youtube channel and will be divided as follows:
11/19 - 8:00 am to 11:30 am: Language, Code and their technologies and Essay; Human Sciences and their technologies.
11/26 - 8 am to 11:30 am: Natural Sciences and their technologies and Mathematics and their technologies.
Check the schedule and guidelines for ENEM 2021: