November 4th, 2020.

by Giovana Martinez

Today we are going to talk about the Job Fair (Mostra de Profissões), an event that usually takes place in August, before the opening of the entrance exams. The event aims to let students spend a day on campus, getting to know the courses. Each course decorates a room, presents videos and proposes other activities to disseminate to high school students from public and private schools in Apucarana and region.
In the room of our Letras Inglês course, photos of the events held in the course were presented; the ETAs participated in the two editions that have occurred so far, held in 2018 and 2019, as a way of encouraging students who wanted to speak and practice English; and the teachers and students acted as monitors explaining the objectives and answering questions about the course.
Professor Juliane D 'Almas, who was the coordinator of Letras Inglês when the two editions of the Job Fair took place, said: “I believe it was an experience that was very worthwhile, since many students did not understand the course as teacher training, but as a continuation of an English course, where one would only learn to speak English language. With the Job Fair, however, we have the opportunity to show that our course is for those who wish to become future English teachers, it was very nice to show the high school students that we work with literature, methodology and teaching psychology and other subjects that they didn't even know were in the scope of the Letras-Inglês course. This is a surprise for students, who had no idea how it worked, and this is very important to promote our course, which is relatively new and often unknown to the community”.
It is very important to hold an event that brings understanding to students about our course at Unespar.