September 23rd, 2022.
Academic life
by Hugo Costa, Denise de Melo, Paloma Schafer

It has already been said by Leandro and Leonardo (1991): “não aprendi dizer adeus, mas tenho que aceitar que amores vêm e vão.” Jokes aside, these lines reflect how it has been feeling to be a Senior. 2019 was the year, the first year; how could the uncertainty of the initial week ever be forgotten? Not knowing the classmates, trying to learn all the professors’ names, and still figuring out how college life worked. It was scary, not gonna lie. Even so, even back then, a feeling had already started being created: belonging.
The year was 2020, but Sophomores know where to step, right? Well, Covid-19 happened and online classes began. Professors, along with the coordination, were strong and courageous enough to fight with what they had. And they did it. We did it. Fifty percent of the course was completed already: 2021. Key words: online classes, internship, research project. The group got smaller, but students were, and have always been, there for each other.
Finally, 2022. The year has not finished yet, but we know that each day and each class is a goodbye. It hurts; it is scary – just as on the first day of classes. It goes, but it also comes back. For next year, and many others to come, I will forever have those moments in mind. I have become a teacher. Flawless teachers formed one more teacher. A student-teacher who is leaving college, but is extremely excited to be out there and help forming many other students.
A piece of advice from your Senior: it may not always be easy, but you can do it! I thought I could not, but I did it. And so can you.
Without a doubt, the first year is as exciting as the last for the simple fact that we are having our first contact with the “new”. We are boarding into a stage that will guide our lives, so there is that mix of emotions.
In 2022 there would be the first comeback to school in person after the pandemic. We were all looking forward to it, but were affected by the 2 years of isolation. As a freshman, I didn’t know what to expect from this new stage. I was anxious and with different fears about how the first year would be in the chosen course, and if it would be, in fact, the “right” choice.
In the beginning, there were many uncertainties, insecurities, but with the support of the professors and the new friendships, we are getting into the rhythm of university life.
Throughout the year, we saw and discovered so many different things, experiences and moments that we will carry with us forever. And we still have three long years left to live more and more new experiences and, thus, acquire new learning.
A degree as a teacher was not in my plans during high school, but my passion for the English language has always been there.
Initially, I chose a career that did not involve education. But, in my second year, I looked through a classroom window and saw a teacher teaching an English class. I fell in love!
So, I decided that, when I finished that course, I would enter the English Language course.
In 2021, still during the pandemic, I applied to the Unespar entrance exam, using my Enem score, and I passed the course I wanted so much. I celebrated my achievement so much!
Then, 2022 finally arrived, and, with it, my paper to be presented in order to get a degree in my first graduation. Desperation kicks in again: If I don’t pass this final work, I won’t be able to take the course I have wanted so much since 2019….
The famous day arrived, the day to present the final paper, nervousness, anxiety, panic all together, God in front of me. It started out wrong, the file didn’t open, it was in person and everyone was watching. What had been memorized to present, half forgotten in front of everyone. But it worked. I put God in front of me and I passed. Here is the plan for the second undergraduate course.
Classes would start in May 2022. Mom! I’m in the English course!
I made friends. I liked the professors in this first year of the undergraduate course that was not optional, but chosen. And finally, I’m going to be an English teacher!