June 30th, 2020.
Arts and activities
by Giovana Martinez

In 2016, the second edition of the Spring Festival took place. It was hosted again at the Gralha Azul auditorium on our Campus, and this second edition was on September 28th, 2016. At this time there were already four classes in the Letras Inglês course.
The freshmen made a performance in which they mixed two short stories by the acclaimed author Edgar Allan Poe, and the result of this presentation was entitled “The cat of the red death”; the second year students performed a section of “Alice in Wonderland”; the third year presented “Macbeth”, and the seniors were responsible for presenting the event, the so-called hosts.
Now we are going to read the testimony of Fernanda Wielevski Ferreira, a 3rd year Letras Inglês student when this edition of the project took place. She said: “Talking about the Spring Festival experience is an honor, saying that I was part of three editions of it, an even greater honor! When the event was created in 2014, designed by Professor Patrícia and embraced by the entire course, I believe that we had no idea of ​​the dimension it would take. All editions I took part in were special, but 2016 was different! The mixture of fear and overcoming it that this edition brought is difficult to express in words. The lack of time to rehearse, to memorize the lines, to set up costumes and scenery, and the difficulties gave us epic moments. And what about playing one of Macbeth's witches? It was amazing! I discovered that I am capable of much more than I imagined! I believe that events like the Spring Festival are not just events, they are the gateway to evolution and to overcome fears, both for teachers and future teachers, as was my case at that time. I am very proud to be able to say that I am part of the history of this event, and even more proud to write about it at the request of a current student who is becoming a profession partner! As I said earlier, Spring Festival is a gateway, so, keep it open!”.
Wait for the next editions of “The way we are” to learn what the next editions of this project were like.