April 23rd, 2020.
Arts and activities
by Giovana Martinez

Spring Festival is a project of the Unespar Letras Inglês course, a Project that aims to bring artistic presentations inspired by cultural events in English speaking countries. The first edition happened on November 7, 2014, due to an ideia by professor Patrícia da Silveira and, at that time, there were only two groups in our Letras Inglês course. The Project is currently coordinated byprofessor Fernanda Tarran.
Until the present moment, five editions of Spring Festival have been held since its creation; it happens every year, except for 2015, when, because of a strike, the Project didn`t happen.
The first three editions happened at Gralha Azul auditorium at Unespar; the next two editions took place at Cine teatro Fênix in Apucarana; some presenations made by students were: Alice in Wonderland, a Talk Show, the Oscar night, and much more...
Are you curious to know everything about each edition? In the next “The way we are” you will know how each edition of the Spring Festival was. Hold on!