July 27th, 2021.
Jobs and society

by Ana Carolina Colacino
Jobs can be a passion or a basic need, depending on the social and economic situation. People do not always get to choose which carrier they prefer, but when it is a choice, there are two main types of people when choosing a carrier. There is the first type, which decides to pursue their passion, and the second, that decides for the most rentable options. However, to work is not easy, mainly if the person does not enjoy their occupation. That is why it is often better to choose the carrier based on what they most like to do. Some aspects influence people’s happiness and health, depending on the job’s choice.
Firstly, it is worth considering the types of jobs. The ones that pay better are often the most dangerous, the most difficult to be qualified for, or the busiest. Now, imagine having to risk your life for someone or the collective benefit without really wanting to. Firefighters, police officers, and soldiers, for example, must have commitment with society to be in their position, someone who does not like to do it will not have a real compromise. It also fits the other ones, when people have to study or work a lot to get a position, it is pretty common to feel stressed and to want to give up. It is a little easier to keep going if you enjoy the carrier.
Secondly, people often spend a great amount of time at their jobs. When working to earn money, it is normal to think about the relation: more work, more money, and consequently, a better position. But what has to be considered is if the amount of time spent at work leave room for people to enjoy the rest of their lives. Some people work a lot to earn money but forget to take the time to enjoy the facilities the money gives them. So, what is the point of getting a lot of money if the person will not be able to use it? Also, how many people get obsessed with earning money and set aside their families, hobbies, and even themselves? This leads to the last point of discussion: Mental Health.
Lastly, when working because of the money, people can have stress levels increased. It happens because they are not happy with their carrier, and it is easier to feel bored, annoyed and stressed in this kind of situation. Also, the quality of their work can be affected too, since they do not like what they are doing. That is when the mental health is affected, spending many hours with stress and negative sensations will make them feel even more tired at the end of the day. Normally, this means unhappiness in the long term, which affects the other aspects of someone’s life. The stress will spread slowly in your life, affecting relationships, life quality, and happiness.
To conclude, if there is a choice, it is always better to choose an occupation based on the preferences. Jobs are an important aspect of life, people cannot live without them, so, because of this, it is better to have workers who are happy and compromised with the carrier since its beginning. It is important to choose the right type of job to stay healthy and to deliver good work, and even more important, to have time to enjoy the relationships, the great moments, and to relax in life.