June 2nd, 2020.
Arts and activities

by Giovana Martinez
In today's edition of The Way we are I will talk about the first edition of the Spring Festival, which took place on November 7, 2014. At that time, there were only two groups of the Letras Inglês course on our campus. In this first edition, that took place in the auditorium Gralha Azul, the first year students represented Hamlet, and the second year students performed Alice in Wonderland, and also sang and recited poems in English.
The following testimony is from student Jaqueline Such de Melo, who participated of this edition of tSpring Festival when she was in the second year of her graduation. She said: “In 2014, Professor Patricia Martarelli da Silveira, working on the subject of English Literature, idealized and coordinated the first Spring Festival. The idea was to create an event to disseminate the course and its studies to the entire campus. The students freely did their research and created artistic presentations of poems and famous literary pieces from English literature. The event ranged from theatrical performances of excerpts from Alice in Wonderland, The Phantom of the Opera, Hamlet and Romeu and Juliet, recitation of poems and thematic music sung by a teacher and students.
A curiosity was that, although the students made a good promotion, even producing t-shirts for the event, it happened that on the night of the festival, it rained a lot, and few people went to college on that date. All the coordinators and teachers of the undergraduate courses took the few students that were there that day, and they were delighted with the quality of the presentations, even some confessing they did not understand the English language. And praise spread across the campus, many people regretted having missed the event and even wanted a replay, so I believe that this fact has helped the event to succeed for years to come.
It was a huge learning experience to participate in this festival that I still have as one of the best memories of the course. I am immensely proud to know that it has become a tradition!”
Wait for the next editions of The way we are to learn more about the fantastic editions of the Spring Festival!