November 11th, 2021.
ENADE 2021
by Giovana Martinez

Hello, dear readers! In our today’s Newsletter, we are going to talk about the Enade, the national exam of students’ performance in higher education, of great importance in this scenario.
But what is Enade, after all? Enade is an exam applied to graduates of higher education courses in relation to the syllabus, the development of skills and abilities necessary to deepen general and professional education, and the students' level of updating in relation to the Brazilian and global realities.
On INEP's website, we can have all the important information about the application considering the moments before, during and after the test, as well as frequently asked questions that may be the same as ours. For further information,!/index.
ENADE 2021 will be applied on November 14th to graduate students in areas linked to year II of the exam's evaluation cycle.
A little of Enade's importance is for the Brazilian workforce. By measuring the level of learning of college and university students, Enade works as a way of checking and inspecting the quality of Brazilian higher education, preventing precarious quality institutions from offering courses to future professionals.
The coordinator of our Letras Ingles course, Francini Correa, spoke a little about the importance of Enade. She said: “First, it is mandatory for the student to take the exam, considering that if the student does not take it, he/she must justify themselves to the competent bodies to obtain their diploma, and for us, professors of the course, this importance lies in the performance from the student, a way in which we can assess how our course is progressing, how we can improve the course based on the data collected. I believe that the students themselves want to know how the course is structured, if they are having the necessary training to practice the profession. In addition, it is worth remembering that the grade that the course receives at a national level depends not only on the mark, but on the entire infrastructure of the university, data acquired through a questionnaire. Furthermore, when the students take the ENADE, besides general and specific questions in the area of knowledge, at the end of the test, they have a questionnaire on the preparation of the test questions, which will be answered with the difficulties and the reasons for them. These results are important for us to know if the course's training is adequate”.