October 23rd, 2020.
Arts and entertainment
by Carla Galego, Giovana Martinez
Due to the atypical moment that we are facing with the Covid 19 pandemic, the well-known Spring Festival will also take place online this year! The event will take place between November 9th and 12th, on the Instagram of the Letras Inglês course (@ ingles.letras), lasting up to one hour per night, resulting in a total of 4 hours of event!
The artistic activities will be developed through videos planned jointly between the groups and the university. The freshmen students will present a little about pandemic scenarios in literature and cinema; the second year will present poems, recited or dramatized; the third year will bring mini-plays; and the veterans will make a presentation based on the premise: “How was the world before 2020”.
The 4th year student Carla Galego said: “Having participated in other editions of the Spring Festival, I know the greatness of this event for our course. It’s a moment to explore the talents in our course, present to the community what we have been learning, exchange knowledge, ideas, and have a moment of relaxation with our classmates and professors. Every year, the Spring Festival preparations start a little crazy, but in the end, it is always a feeling of excitement for having participated in such a great event. As a 4th year student, I can say that I am a little sad that we are not going to be able to experience and live this event in person this year, but I am hopeful to see how it will turn out online. Even though we may get tired at the beginning and during the preparation, it all works out and, in the end, we always leave the event with good memories that will last forever.”
Certainly, the main topic addressed is more than current and interesting! Follow the event on our Instagram and stay tuned to the news in our course!