October 14th, 2021
Research and extension Projects
by Natalia Del Bianco

Hi, guys! In today’s edition today we will talk about our extension project English Newsletter, coordinated by Professor Fernando Benites.
Our project has, as general objective, publicize the activities carried out in our course, bring news, culture from the English-speaking countries, and inform about events and research and extension projects. All students of the Letras-Inglês course can participate; we have a fixed team that can change at the beginning of each year, but, in addition, we have in our Newsletter the sections "Spotlight" and "Opinion" for which, respectively, original creative writing productions and opinion articles on topics of interest to the general public can be sent.
The project coordinator told us that the idea came from a conversation with Professor Raquel Silvano, who, at the time, was the coordinator of our course. As they were talking about the research and extension projects, Professor Raquel commented how interesting it would be if there were a vehicle for bringing news from our course and communicating with Unespar and external audiences. “Excited with the idea, I volunteered to coordinate a project with these characteristics, since text production and communication are two of my greatest passions” said Professor Fernando.
After this conversation, he developed the website together with the students who were interested in being part of the team. Unfortunately, when the project started, we were already in social isolation because of Covid-19, which according to the Professor was and has been the greatest difficulty. “But other than that, everything always went and goes very well. I've always had very dedicated and competent students participating, what makes things much easier.”
When asking the Professor if he is thinking of changing something, he replied: “Well, each year brings with it some imperatives, such as the departure of students who are graduating, the entrance of new participants who are joining the course, and so on. Everyone's ideas are always taken into consideration and, therefore, changes can occur at any time”.
Our project doesn't happen in weekly meetings; our team divides the productions of the texts among themselves, and the responsibles send them weekly. Although sometimes we write by ourselves, everyone participates in the review before publication, which takes place every Thursday or Friday.
If you want to take part in the project as a team member or sending your original production, please contact Professor Fernando at fernando.benites@ies.unespar.edu.br or at whatsapp (43) 9-9901-8472.