August 21 st, 2020.
by Carla Galego, Giovana Martinez

In view of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Secretary of Education of Paraná approved that the mandatory internships can be carried out in the remote mode.
SEED, the institution that will coordinate the internships during this period, will make available video classes recorded in studios located in the capital of Paraná, by selected teachers. These classes will be transmitted by different means, such as TV. In addition, SEED will provide other means for teachers and students, such as e-mails, Google Classroom, and the app “Aula Paraná” to ensure greater coverage of the remote classes.
The 3rd and 4th year students at Unespar will have 100% validation, and the 2nd year, 25%. For the accomplishment of the internship, the students will post activities in the Moodle platform, participate in lives, among other resources. For the conducting internship in the classroom, the proposal so far is for students to record video lessons that will be directed to the classes they will follow through the “Aula Paraná” app.
Professor Ana Paula Trevisani, who is the Internship coordinator this year, told us about her perspective on the internship amid the current situation:
Without social networks, without ties of any kind between people, society dies. It is from this perspective that I try to understand the Mandatory Supervisory Internship in our course.

“I believe that we have been living an atypical situation for our time. The isolation and reclusion of people in their homes directly affected, as expected, the area of ​​Education in Brazil. This context led us to an inevitable and mandatory practice, in the school and university environment, through educational technologies and their endless possibilities, until then, understood between extremes: dread to some and fixation to others. If in the professional educational context, in general, there were doubts, fears and hesitations about the use of technological resources, the confinement of people could not be a greater motivation. Mainly because education actors, within and outside educational institutions, faced the obligation, in order to avoid breaking social bonds and maintaining the networked relationships that move our society, even if virtually. Without social networks, without ties of any kind between people, society dies. It is from this perspective that I try to understand the Mandatory Supervisory Internship in our course, which, fortunately or unfortunately (I still cannot tell), it was up to me to coordinate. Challenge is certainly a more appropriate term. In addition, in the recent days, especially after the cooperation between the other coordinators of the other degrees from the Apucarana campus, the Internship in the remote molds ended up proving to be a source of creativity both for those who coordinate the activities and for the interns who are passing for this opportunity to experience teaching from another angle”.
“We have not yet properly initiated the network of socio-educational relationships to be provided by the remote practice. However, I can explain, in a brief summary, that there will be an immersion in creating video classes, and the professional posture that this media requires; ‘participation’ in virtual classroom communities and the expectation of the type of relationships ‘there’ established and, more generally, a look at the educational management of the state of Paraná and how it has been organized in the virtual world. Finally, by no means do I think we missed out on something by developing the remote stage. New forms of partnership between SEED-School-Internship at IEES, greater accountability between the parties, are attitudes that seem to emerge in this initial phase.”

The 4th year student Luis Fernando also gave his opinion on the remote internship:
“I will not lie that my excitement about the internship came just last year. I was very anxious to go back to school (Cerávolo) that I studied my entire elementary, to observe and teach some classes. This year, because I have already participated in the internship last year, I am more anxious than excited, because when the pandemic started, I had no idea of how things would be. I confess that I was surprised to know how the internship will work this year, I am enjoying how things are going and I hope to start recording the classes right away because it is the part that I am the most anxious to do.”