October 20th, 2021
by Giovana Martinez, Laura Castelleone

Hello, everyone! Here comes the Newsletter, and, today, to talk about the event held by our Apucarana Campus to promote the amazing 12 courses that take place here!
The Profession fair this year is a little different due to the pandemic moment: it is available on the Unespar (Apucarana Campus) website, and each collegiate recorded a short video about all the courses. They are:
Ciência da Computação
Ciências Contábeis
Ciências Econômicas
Letras - Espanhol
Letras - Inglês
Letras - Português
Secretariado Executivo Trilíngue
Serviço Social
Turismo e Negócios
The videos are excelente and very self-explaining; watch the one that most calls your attention (https://apucarana.unespar.edu.br/Mostra2021/) and become Unespar!
Now, let's see a statement from Professor Fernanda Tarran, who besides teaching, is also a former student of the course. She talked about Unespar and also about our wonderful English Language course (we have to advertise, right? Haha): “I'm a little suspicious to talk about the English Language course at Unespar Apucarana. I graduated with the first group, in 2016, and learned a lot from all the professors. I am going along the course's development since then, and I can say that we now have an even better curriculum, and many more resources to meet the needs of the students. All events and activities that we develop throughout the year are designed with care and attention to broaden students' experience, as well as to improve their interaction with teachers and community”.
Professor Ana Paula Trevisani has also contributed, saying: “The Profession fair is one of the main events that higher education institutions promote to divulge their respective courses, mainly in high schools. I think that, for our course, which usually has low demand and some of those who enter do not want to be teachers, it is a very important moment! That's when we have the opportunity to engage candidates, demonstrate the potential of teaching and disseminate the work developed by us, professors of the English Language course, with academics and the external community”.
What are you waiting for? Check it out, and, if you haven’t yet, become Unespar!