September 24th, 2020.
by Carla Galego, Giovana Martinez
The Edhucca project (Escola de Desenvolvimento Humano Casa do Caminho), offers this semester along with Unespar (Universidade Estadual do Paraná), a free preparatory English language course for ENEM 2020/2021, which will start on 26/09/2020. The course will be taught by the Collegiate of the English language course – campus of Apucarana, by the students Carla Regina Galego Carmona, Inaiê da Silva Federissis and Ricardo Naoki Nakada Apolinário, being supervised by Professor Raquel Silvano Almeida.
Professor Raquel stated that, “Due to the pandemic and the need for an online proposal, this longing for a preparatory course for Enem came true! We want to serve teenagers, young apprentices, and the target audience of Edhucca who are willing to participate. We aim at clarifying the idea of ​​this audience about higher education with vocational tests, simulates and classes on interpretation and grammar. At first we offer a class of 25 students, but if the demand is high, we can expand!”.
The course aims to prepare and support students who are in the 3rd year of high school and course participants in general who intend to take the ENEM test. During the course, students will have knowledge of the textual genres that are present in the English language test, as well as reading strategies and grammatical content will be worked to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of the genres.

Classes will take place online, in view of the current situation, on Saturdays, from 2pm to 3pm, with a total workload of 25 hours; from these, 12 hours will be online class content, and 13 hours of remote content and activities to be performed on Google Classroom. Course participants will receive a course participation certificate issued by Unespar at the end. Registrations can be made through the link: