September 8th, 2020.
Arts and activities
IV and V SPRING FESTIVAL (2018/2019)
by Giovana Martinez

In today's edition of “The Way We Are” we will talk about the last two editions of the Spring Festival, that took place in the years 2018 and 2019.
The 2018 edition was, for the first time, at the Cine teatro Fênix de Apucarana, on September 26, and this edition had super diverse presentations, such as the presentation of a sketch of Ru Paul, made by the freshmen of that year. An exhibition of poetry in English in chronological order by the students of the second year, and a talk show organized by the third year which also presented a band composed of students and professor Lauro. During the breaks, videos were presented, dubbed and recorded by the freshmen! And, as usual, the veterans were the hosts of the event.

In the 2019 edition, the 5th Spring Festival also took place at the Cine teatro Fênix de Apucarana, on September 27, and this edition was a tremendous success among the audience of the university, schools and the population of Apucarana and region. The theme of this edition was the Oscar ceremony, with decoration and presentation according to the most famous award in the world of cinema. It brought several presentations of songs, such as Thriller, from the King of Pop, Shallow, among others, second year students acted and recorded two short films that were shown and awarded during the event. There was also the transmission of a video on Cardistry, which is a flourishing performance of playing cards, recorded by the student Sávio, who was in his first year at the time. The veterans were the hosts again, and there was also the performance of the band Cap y Bara.

Professor Fernada Tarran gave us a testimonial about these two exciting editions: “I participated in the Spring Festival in 2018 and 2019 as a member of the organizing committee. They were the first editions in which the event took place at Cine Teatro Fênix - an idea that emerged in 2018, led by professor Lauro and ETA Alexa. At first, we were apprehensive, fearing that there was little audience to fill such a large space. But the participation of university students, public schools and community members was huge, and the event was a success. So much so that, in 2019, we decided to book Cine Teatro again. This time, the success was even greater - there were those who had to stand, because there were not enough chairs. In both editions, the fourth year students were the hosts, introducing numbers of music, dance and theatrical performances that were performed by students from the other classes. In the 2019 edition, the event was themed on the Oscar party and, in the end, all the teachers of the course won statuettes - a surprise organized by the students of the four classes, which closed the edition with a flourish. ”
I hope you enjoyed remembering the editions of this cool project!