April 29th, 2022.
Back to campus!
by Hugo Costa, Giovana Martinez
Hello, guys! Newsletter is here with its first editorial of the year! Did you miss us? May this year be full of events and cool subjects to be covered!
This year's first editorial begins with long-awaited news during the pandemic period. On April 4th, the face-to-face return of the 3rd and 4th year students of our wonderful course finally took place!
The return took place following all the safety measures against Covid 19, and it was a moment of great happiness and excitement for our students who, when last came to Unespar (before the pandemic), were freshmen or were at the beginning of the course and are now returning on the straight final.

We can't wait for our freshmen and dear 2nd year to return to their face-to-face activities, so that our course will be complete again, returning as close to the life we ​​had before the pandemic.
Let's now read the report of some students telling their experiences about the long-awaited return.
How do you feel about returning to campus?
Our fellow students have different feelings about the face-to-face return to campus. “I preferred how it was last year. I have a neutral feeling, I'm neither happy nor sad”, said one of the colleagues. In another interview, it was reported that “there are positive and negative points. The positives are that I can pay more attention during classes and some activities are better developed in person”. The negative points mentioned, however, are related to the risk of exposure to Covid-19 and the commuting of the interviewee's town to Apucarana, where the campus is located. Another interviewee told us that they feel suspicious because they do not believe that students will continue to wear masks after the state decree.
As noted, there are both positive and negative aspects; and the students interviewed have different views in relation to the return. Let us now see our findings regarding the learning process.
Regarding the classes and content, is there any differences in your learning, now that we are no longer studying online?
“The performance is better because I can pay more attention to classes now that there are no more external distractions”, says one of the students. During emergency remote teaching, much was discussed about the issue of assimilation of the studied content. However, another interviewee told us that it was not a problem for them, as they learn easily on their own, so they feel indifferent about this issue. It was also reported by one of the interviewees that they “thought it would be better, but with their going to the campus, more planning is needed”, which has made this student get tired.
Do you feel safe with the protective measures against Covid-19 adopted by the university for the face-to-face return?
Some students pointed out that they feel safe when returning to campus, because of factors such as: vaccine and use of masks by professors, having nothing to complain about. A distinct reaction to this was the note of another student: “I don’t trust and I don’t believe that people have empathy regarding the use of masks and being absent in the face of the symptoms of Covid-19”.
We collected these reports from some students of our English Letters course, in order to understand how they feel about the return. Despite occasional issues, we are extremely happy to be able to see our classmates and professors, well and healthy.