October 7th, 2021.
by Giovana Martinez

Hello guys! Today's newsletter is coming to talk about a very important event at our university, the Entrance Exam for admission to Unespar in 2022. This year, the process has different features in the forms of admission: you can apply with ENEM grades from years from 2015 to 2020, or those in the university entrance exams of previous years at Unespar, more specifically from 2018 to 2020. In addition, the selection process offers vacancies through SISU.
On the website: https://vestibular.unespar.edu.br/ you will find all information about the selection process, the tab to enroll and the courses and vacancies made available by Unespar in each of its 7 campuses throughout Paraná; you will also find the notice 11/2021, that clearly presents all the information about the selection process, how the registration must be carried out, among other important information.
Another tab on the aforementioned site that can help answer possible doubts is “Frequently Asked Questions”, where several recurring questions about this different forms of the process are approached.
An account of personal experience of the one who’s writing to you: I applied for the entrance exam, and, during the process, had some doubts about it; so, I sent an email and was promptly answered and my doubt resolved successfully and quickly. For this reason, I can say that the entrance exam team dedicates an exemplary attention and care for those who are about to take the entrance exam, and this care for future students is maintained when you enter college. I can certainly say that all the attention and care of Unespar members towards us students in this pandemic period that imposed countless difficulties, without a doubt, makes it worth being Unespar!
So… Become Unespar! Registration is open until October 20th, and the registration fee is R$50.00. There is still time to register! Read the notice before registering, if you have a question, it is worth checking the FAQ tab on the website, and if some information is not clear, please contact the team through the following means of communication:
Contacts (44) 3518-1844 – service from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm or E-mail: vestibular@unespar.edu.br
That’s it! Don’t lose the opportunity and become Unespar!